Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Looking for the right wine

Afternoon bloggers! As I am getting ready for work, I decided to post a little more on looking for the right bottle. I have a philosophy when it comes to shopping for the right bottle during the week. I look for something that runs about $10 to $15 a bottle when shopping for a "house wine". By that I mean something that I'd like to enjoy any given day of the week. It is something that won't break the bank but yet still is enjoyable. I also look for the "diamond in the rough" wines as well. By that I mean not your main stream wines, such as Kendall Jackson, La Crema, and so forth. Even though these companies make decent wines, they have a tendency to be over priced because of the marketing that is involved in making them household names.

Being that it is Tuesday, this is an idea that is great to start off the week with. I will be looking for a wine this afternoon at work to share my thoughts on when I get home tonight. So until then, remember a good bottle always comes in pairs, the first one never last long enough!

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