Friday, October 18, 2013

Longboard Point Break Red

So here recently I have been noticing a trend leaning towards not so "traditional" (the Bordeaux style blends that rely heavily on Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot) red blends coming out of California. I think it is due to the holidays coming around the corner and a desire to try something that most don't think about trying during the other parts of the year. Though some popular wineries have already introduced some of these already and are righteously delicious. The popularity has driven pricing to where some don't want to experiment with them. So while people are missing out on these fantastic wines to experiment with, I have been looking for wines to help introduce people to and to get to people that already are familiar with this non "traditional style" that is under the $20 mark but still offer the undeniable flavors that they are looking for.

This blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot and a bit of Zinfandel, Carignane, and Malbec offers just that. I like what Longboard put on their homepage for their winery. They stated:

"Try balance, harmony and nature for starters.
Surfing is part sport, part meditation and all working within, rather than against, nature. Winemaking? Pretty similar approach"

 Not only were they able to do this but they also made it at an exceptional price for everyone! Coming in at under $15, I am sure that those of you who are adventurous experimenters that don't want to spend a lot, as well as, with the veterans that are looking for the "everyday" wines that are in that price range are going to enjoy it!

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