Sunday, August 11, 2013

1000 Hits!

I can't believe it! We have hit the 1000 mark for views on the blog....That is awesome, I appreciate all of ya'll taking time to read what I have posted. Once again, I have been a busy little bee trying to find the right wines to bring in for ya'll's enjoyment....Not only that but I have been busy putting new wines that our buyers have sent us out on the shelves as well. I have also had the opportunity to visit other stores to see what is selling in those neighborhoods as well and will be researching more to see if some of what I have spotted at other stores will be a match for us as well. So in the meantime, here is some of what I have put out on the shelves over the past couple of weeks: Hill Wine Company (Black Lab wines and Little Rascals wines), Fin Del Mundo wines, Paradise Ridge, 99 West, Tobias, and Stewart. I will be following this up with more in depth descriptions here shortly!

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