Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So last week, we had the pleasure of meeting Benoit Trocard.  He came in the store and showed us several of his family's wines. As he was telling us the stories of the wines and of his family history, he remarked that his family has been making wine for 400 years. It had floored me to hear such family history.
But in truth, I was humbled to know that I was tasting what 400 years of experience could produce.
What I found in all of his family's wines was absolute wonderful juice. But as usual one stuck out in the line up of about 7 that he brought.
Garagista-- How he described it was that the grapes were chosen from blocks of his family's vineyard that were the best of the best and then blended and bottled under this label.
This label is the showcase of his family's wines. It shows the flavor and complexity of what a wine should at under $18.
This is absolute must to try!

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