Thursday, December 27, 2012

Getting to know me

O.K., so I have been doing some thinking about this blog thing and how to approach it. I believe the best way is to approach it the way I do in dealing with my clients that come to see me in a manner of speaking. But the first thing that we need to get out of the way is the whole "mystery" of wine shopping.

I am very informal when I speak to someone about wine and the likes. I try my best to describe the product in every day type of language. After all, I am a firm believer that I am working with every day type of people and don't want to bore you with "wine snob" lingo.

Over the past couple of weeks, in preparation of the holidays, I have come across a lot of people that didn't think that they can describe what they like or don't like in a wine. THAT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE! Just describe the memories that you have when you are trying a wine. After all the bottle of wine that you are enjoying is supposed to do just that, bring memories of things back to you.

As I am speaking to these people, I try to pull as much information that I possibly can so that I can make the right decision on what to recommend for whatever occasion that the bottle is being bought for. Just remember that I am looking to get memories of what the wine brought to your mind while you were drinking it.

You are probably thinking that I am a little coo coo. But it is true. Remember that your mouth really only has a limited amount of "taste". Sweet, sour, and salty are but three main tastes. The rest of what you are "tasting" is actually part of the smelling process that happens inside of your mouth that is tied into your ol' factory. It is the aromas that you have already at one time smelled and have identified or yet to smell and identify (the smell of roses or that of something musty but you can't quite put your finger on the exact smell).

I know for a lot of people that being asked these types of questions can be quite frustrating and quite frankly be annoying. But the questions that are being asked are very relevant to helping find the right bottle or two. So all the notes that I will be giving on wines will show some insight on what I listen for if you were to come in to see me for advice on what to buy.

Now you may be wondering why I elude to if you were to come in and see me. If you noticed in my previous post that I am an enthusiast, it is true. But I became an enthusiast by working for a retailer here in my home town. This is my own personal blog about what I enjoy to talk about and therefore I cannot disclose whom I work for. But if you are a reader that does enjoy what you see and find it helpful, please note that I do have professional experience with selling wine and spirits. This experience not only spans now since 2001 but the basics of helping choose wines spans back since the days I was a server in restaurants beginning around 1995.

I do hope that those I help with on a face to face basis find this blog and pulls more from it as well as working with me in person. I am more than happy to share what I have learned and pass it on so that more people can enjoy the experience of having a bottle of wine for whatever occasion that it is being drank for. Because that is what is about, the experience.

I will be doing my best to bring to your finger tips tasting notes, reviews and educational tidbits a couple times a week in this journey.

So until my next post, CHEERS!

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