Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Busy, Busy!

Evening Bloggers!

I have to apologize about the lack of updates that I have been giving you all! I have been busy in the store trying to get some goodies in for ya'll, as well as doing a little rearranging. I have been working on getting some very limited production wines in and it is finally paying off.

Over the past several months, I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of some Williams Selyem wines, along with a wine from Retour. I can tell you that I have received an awesome unoaked Chardonnay and a Sonoma Pinot Noir in from Williams Selyem. I am still waiting for the Retour Pinot Noir to come in but I have been told to expect in this week. I can tell you that I will believe it when I see it on our receiving docks! I am so excited!

These are very small production products and have outstanding reputations that follow them. Please remember that these are very special items that I have managed to bring in and I have to make sure that I take care of everyone that I possibly can. In order to do that, I ask that those of you who ask about these please have a Spec's Key and that you have at least 1,500 points on the card in order to purchase any of these products at their retail price.

If you do not know how many points that you have on your Spec's Key, please stop by and see me at the store and I will be more than happy to look up your account and let you know!

These are first come, first serve type of items; however limited availability applies in purchasing these items.

I am hoping that the success of this will spur the ability to get more of these types of wines in.

As always Bloggers, I look forward to seeing and talking to ya'll!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rudy Syrah by Von Strasser

Man o' man! I'm excited about this one! A testament what a Syrah can be. Wonderful fruit, earthy, and peppery finish. Experience the pedigree of the Von Strasser wines through this Syrah at under $22